Saturday, January 10, 2009

Some Good Days


Today just about everything seemed to work in my favor, with the only exception of my gastrointestinal tract’s recent failure to cope with a certain special something in my diet.  I started the day off with some lovely yoga as the sun came up, instructed by two funny older gentlemen who contradict each other constantly and cause us much confusion.  I do need some good pants for yoga, however, because the ones I’ve been wearing have an ever-growing hole in the crotch.  And that’s not okay. 

After yoga I stopped at the library to see if the Internet was actually working, and it was! I then biked back to the guest house for breakfast, and made it just in time.  A few friends and I went back to the functioning library to plan our upcoming excursion to the Ajunta and Ellora caves in a couple of weeks.   After biking back (I probably bike about 6 miles a day getting around campus), and handing in our forms, I had my first WARM shower!  I removed the band aids from my poor toes, a wound from when I swerved stupidly into the curb, and I don’t seem to be getting disgustingly infected or anything, so that’s good. 

After a glorious nap, my friends and I headed to Banjara Hills for this advertised French jazz quartet, which turned out to be FREE with an open bar.  The show was fantastic, featuring an excellent accordion player and French lyrics.  While waiting for the show to begin, some of my other friends met a woman who offered us tickets to Hyderabad’s Obama Inauguration Ball on the 20th.  We get to dress up in saris and celebrate a moment to be described to our children... in India!



After all of the excitement of yesterday, I took it pretty easy today and slept in, and did a lot of reading.  We did decide to see another Bollywood movie, though this one wasn’t as good- it was more of a chick-flick.  The best part was getting Dominos beforehand, to give ourselves a greasy bit of home.  After getting our hands on some American food, we sat down to enjoy our meal when a small boy began blowing large birthday horn- one of those that unrolls as you blow into it, only his had three rolls and was a bit loud and obnoxious, but nothing that we couldn’t handle after coming in from the street.   As we gazed at him, kind of wishing that he would stop, the ceiling tiles above his head gave way and a scrambling monkey clung to dear life and managed to squirm back into the ceiling.  As it ran across the other tiles, they sagged under its weight.  The fallen tiles missed the boy and the other people standing in line by inches.  The workers cleared the mess quickly, and one of them took a photo with his cameraphone.  Otherwise, nobody seemed too disturbed by the occurrence.  Only in India can a monkey fall through the ceiling and not one person screams.

After classes start and I get into an actual routine, I will be writing more themed posts instead of updates/run-throughs of what I did on a particular day.  Check out the photos to the right, also!  I hope everyone is well! :)


  1. I totally read your destination as "Hyperbad, India."

    As if you were going to India to be hyper bad. Naughty, naughty Laurel.

    I'm so glad you have a blog up! Way to suck hours out of my day (okay, not hours. I do have the reading level of someone not 5). Keep it up!

    xo Katie

  2. I hope you have an amazing expirence! I havent seen you around campus in a while... Hope all is well with you! What year are you graduating?
